
Heritage Associates: Ghosthunters

Some of Dee Halverson's best friends are ghosts.
Heritage Associates specializes in bringing them back to life.

One particular ghost died in 1780, and Dee was hired to tell his story, to flesh him out, so to speak. He started with the name of a cemetery in Newfoundland. Driving with his wife Marty along the rocky coast north of St. John's bordering the Atlantic Ocean, they passed tiny fishing villages: Old Pelican, Cupid's Bay, and Come by Chance. Heart's Content was minuscule, but they finally saw the church spires and knew a cemetery would be close by.

Slippery rocks covered ground that was wet and spongy underfoot, with thistles and wild flowers everywhere. The tiny grave yard was perched on a steep slope plunging into the bay and there didn't seem to be an entrance.

Marty Halverson, Heart's Content, Newfoundland,

Since the guardrail was too high to climb over, they went under! Dee hiked around until he found the surname he was looking for, and on the headstone was all the information he needed: name, birth date, birthplace, parents, marriage date, wife and children.

Ghostbusting with Dee Halverson

At the small local library Dee requested histories written by local historians. The librarian went down to a dusty vault and brought up an applicable volume, handwritten in old-fashioned script.
News surrounding a ghost's life, pieced together with general history of the larger community, brought the ghost to life. The name of the ghost's shop, the location of his farm—he almost stepped through the wall and shook Dee's hand!

Dee Halverson gathering history.

People can be so insensitive to ghosts—it's spooky. If you know of any that need to be found, contact Heritage Associates. Dee is haunted by the ones that are lost!